Howard County Library System - Maryland


What Groovix features serve Howard County Libraries the best?

"The service that we have enjoyed from OpenSense Solutions staff is clearly the strongest feature of Groovix. They are very interested in listening to "what" you say and finding solutions that meet your needs. The open source spirit, which PULSES thru their veins! makes problem solving an experience -- a positive experience -- we don't buy STUFF from them -- stuff that we have to learn to use and manage -- instead we consult with them and build solutions together."

In working with Open Sense Solutions, what has been your experience?

"Timely response, detailed explanations, cheerful problem solving, detailed focus on each step and a constant interest in further collaboration."

Why would you recommend others to choose Groovix?

"Rather than recommend it, I would question why any organization uses anything but Groovix."

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